Thursday, April 1, 2010

Outside the Box

To All Presenters:

Borrowing from Ken Robinson - why is it all children think they are creative, and most adults think they are not? What happens to us as we age that stifles our creative abilities?

What was the last truely creative thing you did?

I don't mean the last painting you painted, last doodle you doodled or last musical masterpiece which driped harmoniously from your mind's eye. Though, such activites certainly qualify.

When was the last time you looked back and said, "Yea, what I just did was different."

Did you jump up on a desk to start a presentation? Start presenting from the back of the room?

Did you look at the way something has always been done, and suddenly see the way it could be done better?

How did you last innovate, create or by some means or fashion move the needle forward by applying a different perspective to what would otherwise have been just another . . . whatever?

Has it been to long?

Why do we fall into the trap of creating "new sameness"? How do we get out of the trap after falling into it?

Food for creative thinking.

THE POINT: The business world is seeking creative thinkers and problem solvers - if you can' t remember the last creative thing you did, why would they hire you?

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