What is Communicology?
It's the study of communication.

How can it be "unscientific"?
Because I'm not a scientist, and well - it's my blog.

So what then, is Unscientific Communicology?
Unscientific Communicology is a collection of anecdotes and ideas intended to motivate Communi-Creators to not just think outside the box, but to discard the box completely. It is a place to share stories and articles which illustrate what can happen in business communications and culture when Communi-Creators are willing to be daring and explore the power of "what if". Unscientific Communicology is designed to inspire creative, tactical thinking - and just maybe make you smile along the way.

What is a "Communi-Creator"?
A Communi-Creator is someone who is willing to embrace the power of "what if" in their communications. Someone who doesn't just deliver a message but inspires, educates and entertains - subsequently impacting the culture around them.

What is a "Presenter?"
Presenter was a term used to describe anyone who delivers concepts, ideas, initiatives, products, programs, presentations or anything else to an audience of any size, anywhere - the target audience for this blog. However, as this blog evolved, and the emails came in - the term proved to be too small to adequately encompass the audience.

Why is creativity important?
Creativity, properly implemented, is the catalyst for innovation. Creativity is what first breaks old molds so we may build anew. Creativity and a few confident people can change the world.

How can you be a Communi-Creator in a sterile, white collar shirt-and-tie environment?
In a million billion powerful little ways. Just try.