Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why do I Write This?

To All Presenters:

A blog about communication? Why?

I’m fascinated by the way we communicate with each other. How we present ideas and how we discuss them. How we promote products in a compelling way or distribute a message designed to modify behavior. I enjoy art and music and I explore the way creativity “speaks” to people. I observe communication dissonance, diagnose crossed-wires, cite failures to listen or failures to convey and seek resolution to all of the above.

I just find it interesting – we communicate constantly. The way we walk, talk or look conveys a message. We speak and listen, act and observe –every moment of everyday we send or receive signals. We are constantly encoding and decoding messages.

Sometimes our communication is effective, sometimes it fails. Sometimes it’s creative other times it’s mundane - but the means and methods by which we communicate are always interesting.

Communication is a skill-set, we can learn new skills and make existing ones stronger. We can see how others do right and mimic their behaviors just as we can see how others fail and learn from their mistakes.

Media and social interaction.

Art and advertising.

Politics and pop culture.

Listening and remembering.

Public speaking and private conversation.

Body language and the spoken word.

Images and sounds.

THE POINT: I find it all fascinating – and that’s why I write this blog.

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