Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You Are Hereby Charged . . . With Faulty Logic

To All Presenters:

When is a picture of a tree not a picture of a tree?

When it's one A.M. and I'm trying to sleep?

When it's the Bodhi tree!

Right. Wait . . .what!?

Buddhists, baby! A picture of the tree of enlightenment carries with it a whole bunch of spiritual connotations for those who have the cultural experience required to crack the code.

One A.M. You know it's one am, right?

But you said an image has no connotation - it is what it is. The only connotation is implied by the context in which we place it.

Well . . . at least somebody's reading my blog.

I want to be supportive. But you were wrong. What might be a picture of a tree to you is a picture of the place where Buddha achieved enlightenment to millions of Buddhists worldwide - it's a sacred image with it's own implied context. That's a picture with a powerful punch. So, you need to go edit the blog.

Well, obviously.

THE POINT: An earlier post presented a faulty conclusion - but generated good discussion.

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