Friday, August 6, 2010


To All Communi-Creators:

After a recent email discussion with some readers of this blog, I am evolving the content presented here. This blog is relatively new and still finding its voice. As there is a growing readership, I find it valuable to incorporate your feedback as the site grows.

To wit . . .

The term "Presenter" has been used to define the audience, and the audience finds the term limiting. After much discussion and vigorous debate, I hereby christen thee "Communi-Creators". This is a term born from the merger of "communication" and "creativity," and one which better defines both you and your goals for coming here.

You have told me . . .

. . . stories about how Santa Claus became a global cultural icon as a byproduct of an advertising campaign, or how the availability of multiple font-types on PCs are the direct result of Steve Jobs’ lackluster college experience - are of interest to you, as they demonstrate what happens when creative communication impacts culture;

. . . tips on public speaking or interpersonal communication - are of interest to you, as these tips help improve your "Performance Skills";

. . . and stories about design and visual communication (this one seems to have been a favorite as well) - are of interest to you, as they get your imagination engines pumping.

I will endeavor to provide more of this content in the future.

You also told me you enjoy "THE POINT" - included at the end of each post, so this feature shall endure.

You also told me going to LinkedIn to contact me was a bit of a pain, so I’ve created a “Contact Page” with my email address, this way we can more easily have discussions in the future. Also, please feel free to use the comment section at the end of the posts – this way we can share the power of our growing creative community, and welcome others to the discussion.

Folks - I'm glad we're working together to make this resource valuable for all.

Thanks for reading.

THE POINT: I hear you, and I appreciate your feedback.

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