Friday, January 22, 2010

This Stage is Mine

To All Presenters:

Own the stage.

Give it back.

Never underestimate the power of silence.

Don't rush to start speaking after your introduction. Take a few seconds and allow all eyes to fall upon you. Allow the room to hush. In those precious moments know you are the authority in the room and stand quietly, maintain good posture, make eye contact with a few members of the audience and project "command presence". Then speak. The simple passing of time between the introduction and your performance is important as it allows the room to calm and focus, allows you to get comfy with the attention on you and allows you to assume control of the stage.

Silence is important at the end of your performance as well.

Make your final point - to a person. Maintain eye contact - with that person. Then turn to another person, and say "thank you". Then enjoy the applause. Don't run off the stage, take a moment to enjoy the gratifying sensation of a job well done.

If nothing else, hearing this validation makes it easier to step into the spotlight next time.

Own the stage.

Give it back.

That is all.

THE POINT: Own the stage, work the room, deliver your message well and make them remember you.

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