Sunday, September 20, 2009


To All Presenters:

un·sci·en·tif·ic com·mu·ni·col·o·gy n.
Unscientific communicology is a blog which examines (in wholly unscientific ways) how we communicate in business, in advertising and in social situations through diverse media - and ways we can be better at it.

Meanwhile . . .

com·mu·ni·col·o·gy n.
Communicology is the science of human communication. One of the Human Science disciplines, it uses the research methods of semiotics and phenomenology to explicate human consciousness and behavioral embodiment as discourse within global culture. Including:

(1) Art Communicology

(2) Clinical Communicology

(3) Media Communicology, and

(4) Philosophy of Communicology.

So . . . there you have it. Welcome to Unscientific Communicology!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a comment test. Had this been an actual comment the copy you see would be of greater interest to you, the reader. However, this is only a test.